
Showing posts from March, 2017

Finding that higher ground

When I first decided to start this blog, my mindset was "focus on depression and anxiety and how to cope". Recently, I feels it's become more than that. Previously the image in my head was a mountain. My depression and anxiety was the mountain and I was the mountaineer trying to navigate the familiar yet foreign land. For some reason, things have changed and I'm unsure as to how or why. Right now, my mind feels like the sea ebbing too and fro on the shore. I've been meditating, exercising and doing yoga. I've also given up smoking. Maybe these are the reasons for my mood change? Whatever the reason, i feel more at peace right now than I have in the past 2 months. I think I became too self centered with the blog. Perhaps I should have focused of my lifestyle too, my life choices, my life? As usual, the feelings of happiness and self love are plagued in guilt and doubt, feelings that often come with the self sabotage I'm so used to. Things need to chan

Be Here Now

Wow, 5 weeks since I last posted! I'm not very good at this am I! I do apologise though, I've had a lot happening recently. If you're in the UK, you've probably heard of ESA and PIP, if not, these things are "out of work" benefits for the sick and disabled. The past 5 weeks has just been so emotional and draining. I've had my ESA medical assessment, a PIP assessment and my partners PIP tribunal. The family has been sick with a chest infection, cold and other assorted sick bugs. I've also had a large Uni assignment to complete, so it's been a heavy 5 weeks. I am however, coming back to the moment and being in the moment. I'm trying my best to connect with myself again and to do the things that make me happy. I'll be writing more later, but I wanted to say to whoever cares, I'm still here. Leah x