Haters gonna hate!

So, I've been getting quite a few nasty DMs through twitter. Most of the time it really doesn't bother me as I'm quite resilient to the "banter". However, when I'm in a down period, it takes me a lot longer to bounce back.

"You'll never be like Zoella. You're not even relevant"
I'm really not trying to be like anyone. Zoella and I have had completely different lifestyles, completely different upbringings and completely different mental health issues. Same for everyone else, nobody understands your mental health issues better than you do. As for being relevant, I like to believe we are all relevant. We all have a journey to fulfill.

"You're so boring and depressing. Why are you still alive if your life is so shit?"
Yeah, I admit, life on benefits is never extravagant no matter how you see it portrayed in the media. £600 a month between two adults and an ever growing child isn't easy either. Not to mention the stress of the medical tests, the brown enveloped letters that come through your door (I'm already hearing the panicked gasps!) and the fact your benefits can and will be stopped at any time without any notification. However, my life isn't so boring and depressing that I feel the need to quit, I have responsibilities that keep me here.

"Go kill yourself"
How about no?

"You're pathetic, you'll never be famous and your blog is shit"
Damn, there goes the £1m mansion dream! Yeah, I probably won't be famous, and I don't even care. I don't blog to make money, I blog to show people that you can live with mental health and that life does have its positives. If fame and fortune come from that, that's cool. If not, that's cool too. I'd love to be able to blog full time and write mental health articles as a job, but I know it takes a lot of hard work to get there. I am a determined bitch though!

You get the idea!

Point is, people will always doubt you. People will always try to tell you what to do with your life. And people will always, always, always say "What do you want to do that for?!" Whenever you decide you want to do something with your life. You'll always have haters no matter who you are, but that means you're on the right path :)

Some people will do anything to keep you below them, and by that I mean they will criticise everything you do, they will try and put you down at every opportunity because that's the only way they can make themselves feel good.
Shove two fingers up to them and go follow that dream. Go get that job and go change that career! You have to live your life, not them. If you constantly let people make decisions for you, that's not living. You're living life through someone else.

I'm nearly 30 and I'm 3 years away from finishing Uni. If I had followed the path I wanted to, I'd already be doing or being close to doing my PhD in Psychology and Counselling.

Please, live your life the way you want to. You may lose people along the way, that's OK. If they don't like the fact you want to change jobs, if they don't like the fact you want to be a beautician rather than a doctor, if they don't like the fact you'd rather make money from gaming than getting the factory default 9 to 5 (you're getting the idea, right?) then that's OK. Those people are the ones who would never support you no matter what you wanted to do, unless they had a say in it. You'll find so many amazing people along the way who will support you and who will encourage you regardless, those are the people you want to keep.

Just a quick blog this afternoon, but I'm hoping that now I feel better, I'll be able to blog tonight too.

See you around travellers!

Leah x


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