If you have depression and you're happy, clap your hands!

I think one of the biggest myths of depression is that people with depression can't be happy. Depression isn't all doom and gloom, it's not all black clouds and thunderstorms. Depression has been one of the biggest eye openers I have ever experienced.

When I'm in a depressive episode, 90% of the time I'm smiling, playing with my daughter and trying to make the world a little fluffier. I think it's called high-functioning depression or walking depression (I almost wrote 'dead', I love zombie programmes far too much!) The ways that people who have depression are visualised is wrong and that really doesn't help with stigma.

Just because I'm not walking around like this:

(Look at his face!!!)

It doesn't mean I'm not feeling down or sad. Some days I don't even know why I'm down or sad! I just am.
Sorry if I'm coming across as a little ranty, I'm just tired of people assuming that depression is like a constant black cloud hanging over your head while you're in a stormy sea, waiting to drown.

I play on the PlayStation, I go out for walks and to the park with my daughter, I watch scary movies and then laugh when something makes me jump.
Currently, I love my life and everything that's happening in it. That doesn't make me a fraud, I know and I'm aware that in the future there will be instances that will sway my thinking and my mood.

Also, look at the person and not at the illness. It's really unfair on a person when all you see is someone who is depressed rather than someone who has depression.

Lastly, an illness or a disability does not take away from all the amazing things a person can do! I'm a good singer, but if I told you that first, would you see me as a singer or a singer who has depression?

Leah x


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