Quitting the bullshit - Walking the walk

Today, I quit my shit.
As I write this, the bullshit excuses and the lies I tell myself everyday are done. Gone. Bye.

I'm tired of trying to prove myself to everyone else, I'm tired of trying to lose weight for all the wrong reasons, I'm tired of people dictating which path I should walk on. Most of all though, I'm tired of keeping myself in this place (whatever this place may be).

Mentally, emotionally, physically, I am sabotaging myself every single damn day. I preoccupy my thoughts with situations that happened weeks, months, years ago. I add dialogue, images and various endings to the scenarios, I shouldn't be doing that. These things happened, but now it's over and done with.
Why on earth should I be keeping myself in a past that's more painful than the present I'm in? It makes no sense to me anymore! I wish I could give you all advice on how to overcome your past and how to make the present worthwhile. I can't, not yet.

I'm just starting out on my journey, and I wish you would join me too. Maybe we can walk this journey together, go off our separate ways and then find each other again in the future.
Do you want to come with me?

I may not be the best companion, I get lost quite easily but I will always make sure I leave a trail so we can find each other again. I can't guarantee it will be easy, but I can guarantee it will be interesting and I will always have your hand if you start to fall.
Grab your walking shoes, go barefoot, bring your sandals. I don't care how we walk this, but we walk it together :)
Leah x


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