Mood food

Can food really help our mental health?

I know from my own personal experience, any time I start eating lots of junk, my mood plummets. I don't know if this is due to the food I am eating or if it is in fact, due to a personal gravitational pull towards those types of food when my mood is low. I just know that my mind suffers when I don't eat well.

As I am not a doctor (yet!) I can't really offer an explanation as to why or his food can affect our mood, all I can offer is advice and tips for you to explore your own relationship between your mood and food (if I'm honest, my mood isn't great today so I don't have much energy to sift through the evidence, sorry)

  • Do you eat regularly?

Skipping meals or going for a long time between meals can affect your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can leave you tired, irritable, anxious and with a low mood. If you can, try to eat slow releasing energy food such as:
Whole grains
Nuts and seeds

If you can, try to eat breakfast. Even just a banana or an apple can help if you can't manage anything big or have no energy to make something. If you can't manage big meals, eat smaller portions regularly in the day. This ensures your blood sugar doesn't drop too low.
Sugary snacks and drinks taste so good! But aren't very good when it comes to your blood sugar as they raise it very quickly but make it drop just as quick. Try to avoid them if you can.

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Just as important as eating, keeping hydrated can also play with your mood. If you're not drinking enough it can cause a lack in concentration, headaches and constipation. You can get water from the foods you eat, but you should aim to drink 2-3 pints of water a day. Keeping a bottle of water with you is a good way to keep hydrated as you'll be more aware of needing a drink if you can see it.

  • Are you eating the right fats and protein?

Omega 3 and 6 have been proven to help with anxiety and depression. Oily fish and nuts are a great source of Omega 3 and 6 and you can also find it in:

Try to avoid 'trans-fats' and 'partially hydrogenated fats' as these types of foods contain the fats that can bring our mood down. You don't have to cut out all junk food (convenience food as my Nana called it) just try to limit it.

Soya, beans and lentils are a great source of protein too, why not experiment with different foods and try something new? 

  • Caffeine

Too much caffeine can cause havoc on the of nervous system leaving you feeling anxious, on edge and agitated. Too much caffeine can also cause stomach upsets. Try to limit:
Fizzy drinks such as cola and energy drinks

I know that when the anxiety and ow mood hits, it can be hard not to reach for foods that are quick and easy but if you can mindfully dedicate one meal to eating well, you'll definitely gain a benefit even if you can't see it.

Leah x


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